- What are the benefits of mediation?
➤ Mediation as a voluntary or court-ordered process is an opportunity for the parties to a dispute to try to reach a resolution of their dispute without the expense, delay in time, and risk of the outcome associated with a civil trial.
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- What to look for in choosing a mediator?
➤ A mediator should be experienced in representing clients in lawsuits, litigation, trial preparation mediations and trials of the same type and subject matter as the type of case he or she is being selected to serve as the mediator, A mediator should be an experienced trial lawyer who has been trained and certified in the skills of a serving as a mediator and conducting mediations. Any mediator under consideration should have references and a reputation of being fair, impartial and skilled in the art of mediation with a good success rate and ample experience as a mediator.
- Who can attend mediation?
➤ Generally any interested party to the outcome together with their lawyer. Consult with your lawyer.
- How is the outcome of mediation determined?
➤ It is determined by the parties themselves working through their lawyers assisted by a mediator serving in a neutral role.
- How is the outcome documented?
➤ The terms of successful mediation are documented by a written Mediation Settlement, signed by the parties and enforceable at law.
- Is Mediation confidential?
➤ The parties are in separate rooms which facilitate confidential conversations with their attorney. Confidentiality of the outcome and terms of a settlement may be one of the negotiated terms of the Mediation Settlement Agreement; and often is.
- How is the Mediator chosen?
➤ The lawyers representing the parties select a qualified mediator upon whom they can all agree.